× Hint: Create a Ruhr Games account in advance, to make your applications easier to manage.

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Cancel participation

Do you really want to cancel your participation to this event?

Competition pre-registration

However, since some registrations are not available at the moment, we can offer you the possibility to register here in advance for the competitions of your choice.

Yes, Cancel participation No, overview

Available applications

No further applications are available. If you have received a personal invitation, please follow the link in your email.

Competition pre-registration

It is not possible to register to some sport competitions on the Ruhr Games webpage. A few of the registrations are to be done in various other external portals. We kindly ask you to pre-register for those sports competitions in which you would like to participate, even though the actual registration is currently not available. When the registrations are available, you will receive an e-mail from us with the appropriate information.

New login data

With this password you can effortlessly administrate this and further registrations.

Personal Data

Please fill in a country code, e.g. +49 for Germany.

Please select the sport(s) for which you would like to receive information as soon as the registration portal is ready

On this page you can register centrally for all events, workshops and other events within the framework of the Ruhr Games 2023 as well as manage your existing registrations.
